Exporting SPSS Graphs and Tables

After generating output in SPSS and deciding to export some of the charts and tables into MS Word, several students found that some tables "don't quite fit" the (default) margins of the page. In this brief discussion, you will learn to export output (e.g., graphs and tables) from SPSS into Microsoft Word and other programs such as PowerPoint.


You can export a graph or table by right clicking to bring up a pop-up menu. You have several choices in how to save the file and how to import it into another software program. While there are many choices, I have found that exporting tables and graphs into a Microsoft Word (.doc) format works well. Use of the .pdf format may be a bit premature, since statistical  output represent the building blocks of analysis and report writing in various word-processing and presentation software -- not the final product. You are encouraged to experiment with alternatives to see what best meets your needs.

Once a statistical procedure is performed in SPSS, we'll need to export a table, chart or text into MS Word so the output can be analyzed and a report developed. Just right-click over the object(s) -- a chart or table -- you want to export. An "Export Output" window will appear (see inset image below). The default format, Word/RTF (.doc), is likely the best format for course-based assignments.

Click to Enlarge

Under "File Name," you can determine where the Word/RTF document will be located, including a specific subdirectory on your hard drive or flash drive or to disc.  From within the newly saved document, you can change the appearance of the table, including altering its color, font style, size and direction and many more options.  Word interprets each SPSS table in ways similar to when you create your own within the program.  Just highlight an imported table and the "DESIGN" tab among Word's Table Tools appears.  It's your choice from there.

Sizing your Chart in MS Word

You may find an imported table or chart is wider than the margins in your document.  To address this, in the Word document, go to the "layout" portion, click "cell size" and then follow the chart below to make the chart shink to the size of a page.  This feature addresses the width of the output object.

Another way to shrink a table to make it fit better is to click to highlight a table in WORD and then click to single space it. Single spacing is found under the paragraph option in the HOME ribbon in MS Word.  You'll see the table shrink in height.

Happy Exporting!

1 comment:

  1. thanks,
    i want export only graph without log text from output, are you know how i can to do it?
    Maybe you also know how to export to exist excel file (different sheet) software mesagge that the file exists despite my choice .."create a woksheet"
    a lot of thanks//
